A look in Philippine newspapers especially in the
columns of enterprise news or high-society shows often the name of
Zobel with variations. The scarcely Spanish rather German appearing name
makes curious and raises questions about the origins and the evolution
of this dynasty, which has been in the past und nowadays so important
for the development of Philippine economy. Here some protruding
family-representatives are sketched shortly.
In fact the name is of German origin . In 1832 the
pharmacist Johannes
Andreas Zobel
came from Hamburg to Manila and he opened together with his wife a
drugstore in Intramuros, the Zobel Botica. The motives of his emigration
as well as the person itself remain in historical darkness. There is a
speculation, that also political aspects
- the European revolutionary movements failed in this time - would have
given reason. Later Johannes Andreas Zobel expanded his economical
activities. He established a chemical lab and is engaged in the
exploitation of iron- and cupper-mines in Bulacan and Baguio.
son Jakob or Jacabo Hinsch Zobel senior, born 1815 in Hamburg,
assists his father and gets married with the attractive daughter of a
high judge in Manila. Her name is Anna Maria Zongroniz y Arrieta. The
marriage clears further entrances to the local upper class of such days.
Anna Maria dies however early with thirty years. In time of her death
son Jacobo Junior is only six years old.
The family decides to send the child Jacobo Zobel
junior (1842 1896) to a private school in Hamburg. He
achieves the degree of middle maturity there and his talents for foreign
languages are discovered.
In 1858 his father arrives from Manila
and the son is sent for further studies to Madrid. Now the family gets
culturally more orientated to Spain over generations and the former
German relationships are losing
importance. Nevertheless there are still blue eyes and blond hairs in
the gene pool of the family as the example of Enrique Jacobo Zobel
shows. But they can be also from Basque origin's.
Jacobo junior completes a studium generale in Madrid
and acquires additionally a degree as pharmacist. As already told he
is exceptionally language-talented - and as a polyglot man he has
a understanding of eleven languages, including the Swedish, Russian,
Arabian, Etruscan or Chaldean language. A German professor in Madrid
inspires him for the numismatics. Henceforth Jacobo is collecting
especially antique coins and he publishes also articles in Spanish and
German journals on this subject.
In 1866 he returns to the Philippines and he manages
the pharmacy of his father for a short period of time. The Zobels are
already regarded as wealthy. The marriage with Trinidad Ayala y
Roxas has a further strong capital increase as side-effect. Trinidad
is the daughter of a rich Basque-Philippine family, which - here
comparable with the American Kennedy family - made money with alcoholic
distillates. The distillery is the germ cell of todays much more
diversified Ayala-Corporation. Jacobo Zobel becomes capital owner and
enters into management.
His economical activities are extensive. He manages
the building of the first two bridges made from steel in Manila and
imports for the first time bikes and typewriters from Germany to the
Philippines. His name is also connected with the first public traffic
network in Manila, tramcars drawn by horses. Five routes are operated.
The cars can take up to twelve passengers and have a first and second
class. In his late years he is co-founder of the Banco Espanol Filipino.
Eagerness and assertiveness are attributes of his work. He is regarded
as being work-possessed and denounces the popular "dolce far
As multicultural philanthropist he corresponds for
example with the Danish fairy tale writer Andersen and he translates
agricultural articles. In the circles of his friends and his Freemason
group - presumably considered crucial by the Catholic church - he is
supporting Philippine talents from the culture scene. He joined a loge
of British origin, because such one established by the German consul in
Manila was not opened for Spaniards and Mestizos.
Already in young years he becomes a town council. He
stands up in particular for the expansion of the public school and
library system. He tries to beautify Manila by planting trees and he
strives for a stronger Philippine influence in the Spanish Cortes.
May be that the property of German hunt-arms made him
suspicious to the Spaniards in 1872 , the year of the rebellion of
Cavite. He is sent to prison for six months.
Due to an intervention of German chancellor Bismarck he gets free from
prison. Nevertheless he becomes later a member of the Royal Academy in
Madrid. His death in 1896 caused by an intestine-ailment at the age of
54 years is also deplored at Madrid. Hermogenes E. Bacareza writes in
his history of the Philippine-German relationships, that the little
known Filipino Jacobo Zobel Jr. is worth of greater fame. (1).
The marriage with Trinidad produced five children.
Two children have in spite of the proximity to the medicine of those
days - only a very short life. From
the oldest son Fernandes (1876 - 1949) we know only that he supported in
an active manner the later president Aguinaldo.
In particular it is his son Enrique his full name
is Enrique sable de Ayala ( 1877 - 1943) -, who gets
public attention. He acquires the "Bachelor of Arts" in Madrid
and continues with a follow-up study of mining industry, engineering
sciences and painting at Paris. Returned to Manila, he joins the
management of familys company.
In 1901 he marries his cousin Consuelo Roxas de
Ayala. The short marriage - Consuela falls victim to a cholera epidemic
produces three children follow. At the age of 33 he marries a second
time. His second wife, daughter of a Spanish admiral, brings four
children to the world.
Enrique consolidates his fathers firm and expands
into many other business fields: the pharmaceuticals-sector, the
porcelain and glass sector, banking and insurance sector, the field of
building design and real estates as well as into the production of cane
sugar. From original rice-fields he develops the trading centre of
He is reserved with regard to the "pax america".
In a conservative attitude he is defending the heritage of the Spanish
"mother country". For him the knowledge of Spanish language is
indispensable to understand fully the writings of Rizal. To support the
knowledge of Spanish language he founds a special school, the "Premio",
that still looks for the initial objectives today. He understands
himself as a philanthropist and supports the building of the national
museum and the theatre's Metropolitan. On the side he publishes still
essays and economy articles.
Enrique is a member of the Spanish Club, a union of
rich and influential Spaniards born on the Philippines. They have
reservations about the new American Commonwealth. In the thirties
Generalissimo Franco becomes the new political idol. Enrique is on the
side of Solano a strong proponent of the Falangists. It is little known
that there have been parades in Manila comparable to such of the Third
Reich - with uniforms, flags, banners and arms stretched for greeting.
But the government of president Quezon was not very impressed by such
Enrique has in total eight children and now the
family tree is getting more and more side-branches. His son Jacobo
participates in the death march of Bataan and is arrested by the
Japanese. By the end of war he becomes consultant of the presidents
Quirino, Roxas and Magsaysay. Alfonso is the father of Jaime Zobel which
becomes decades later CEO of Ayala Company. Daughter Mercedes
marries the American intelligence officer McMicking from the staff of
general Mc Arthur. McMimicking was after the war a great support to the
family and he is more and more engaged in diversification.
Consuelo from Enriques second marriage becomes spouse of the
youngest 4-star general of America, James Alger. After his retirement
they move in 1970 to Hawaii. She is a strong catholic and deeply
impressed by the charity of Saint Theresa. In 1987 Consuelo Zobel
establishes a relief organization for street children in Manila.
Also son Fernando (1924 - 1984) from the
second marriage becomes well-known. He visits the elementary school in
Spain, but has to return to the Philippines, because of the Spanish
civil war. He sees the Japanese occupation and is confined to bed for
more than a year because of a back suffering. In this period he begins
to paint. After the end of war he studies in Spain and at the Harvard
University. Later Fernando joins the management of the Ayala group. In
1960 he becomes a professional painter. In exhibitions he has already
shown his artistic talents. He resides mostly in Spain. His figurative
painting becomes gets more and more abstract. Graphic and calligraphic
elements are engraved in abstract, foggy structures. He is founder of
the Museo de Arte Abstracto Espanol in Cuenca in Spain. One of his
commentators compares his work with a "bright, dazzling comet on
the sky of in the Philippines".
Outstanding figures of the next generation are
Enrique Jacobo Zobel (*1920) and Jaimes Zobel (*1921).
About Enrique Zobel short name: "Enzo"
we know more, because he has given interviews. He describes himself
as being a non-conformist and a very strict disciplinarian. Now in old
ages he announced to publish a biography, so that we could get more
information about this extraordinary man.
First as single pampered child of a superrich family
he does not lack anything and he is attending the American School in
Manila. However, this pleasant life is disturbed abruptly by the
Japanese occupation and the imprisonment of his father. Suddenly in the
age of fourteen he has to take care for his family. And so it comes,
that he works for two years as a coachmen (!) in Manila. Later he
teaches the Spanish language to Japanese soldiers. He succeeds in
getting free his very thin father from Japanese captivity.
After the end of war he works as a engine mechanic
with the American army. He earned only two and a half Pesos per
hour and a "Ganta" rice per day. Later he decides to go to
America and to study agriculture. To be independent from allowances of
his parents he works in the evenings as an engine mechanic for General
Finally his uncle Joseph McMicking offers him a
management function in the truck department of Ayala-enterprise. Now
Enrique can forget his agriculture studies more or less. In the first
years he is active for his uncle, who is his instructor. His area
of responsibility is area- and town planning. The trading center Makati
and the Forbes Park is developed under his direction. Enrique buys up
agricultural areas for - how he says - good money and resells these
after their development to businessmen for even better money.
jurisdiction expands in the following years into other industries and he
becomes in 1968 CEO of the Ayala Company. Job discipline is very
important for him. Often he is sitting at the desk of his office already
at seven o'clock in the morning and he can get angrily if employees are
coming late at ten o'clock. In the early eighties he gets a vehement
quarrel with his cousin Andreas Soriano about important shares of the
San Miguel Corporation, the large beer and food producer group on the
Philippines. Enrique sells angrily the familys shares to the Marcos
favourite "Danding" Cojuangco. But before this transaction he
did not consult his family clan especially the "queen
widow" Gloria - and so it comes, that he loses his positions in the
Ayala group.
But Enrique is an entrepreneurial primary rock and
builds up business fields of his own in the building sector. For the
sultan of Brunei he builds for example one of the largest palaces of the
He described his business activities also as a game,
comparable to his favourite sport, the polo. As an excellent polo-player
and billionaire he knows all renowned polo places of the world and
sometimes flies to them in own plane.
Mare "Juanita" is in 1991 however his
undoing. She throws him off and it becomes - in the real sense of word -
"dark" for him. Doctors are already expecting his death. One
year he can not remind anything. When he awakes up from coma, he is
paralyzed from the cervical vertebra and needs a rolling chair and
movement therapists. Despite of his heavy physical handicap he is still
going abroad, in order to arrange his economical matters. His
intellectual vitality and zest of life is unbroken.
The autocrat comments political events very frankly
and directly. Ex-president Estrada got only garbage as information from
his consultants. President Macapagal-Arroyo, which he knows from her
childhood, ignores critical remarks and she wants to hear only
"good things". He blames the lacking creativity of Philippines
manager, some of them would have only a Sari-Sari mentality and try to
copy very often foreign countries.
A stellar hour actually it took several hours -
Enrique had in 1992, when he was invited to speak about the person and
the property of ex-president Marcos in front of the "Blue
Ribbon-committee" of the Philippine senate on Hawaii. Enrique was
related to Marcos in critical friendship. That is not unusual, it is
known that the economical and political elite groups on the Philippines
have a very close relationship. He knew the trickeries, weaknesses and
mistakes of Marcos very well, because he was a leading member of Makati-Business-Club.
He believed in such days that the ill Marcos could still find to
reforms. Now he should help, to open the "can of the Pandora".
Here some of his revelations:
Marcos had evidently
gold bars, gold certificates and treasury bonds in a value from
more than 100 billion dollars when he went to his exile in
Hawaii. His fortune is deposited in several countries ( among
other counties in Switzerland and Vatican City). Part of the
fortune - so he was assured directly by Marcos - came from Nazi
gold that the Japanese hid in the Philippines in time of war. (2).
Marcos concealed his wealth from his family. The fortune
would allow to pay all the debts of the country. The former
follower of Marcos like Fidel Ramos, Ponce Enrile or Fabian Ver
got for their services gold bars in the value of a million
dollars. On the other hand Marcos asked him during his stay on
Hawaii for a 250-million $ credit to pay his 300 employees on
Hawaii. |
Enrique Zobels statements was attested a high degree
creditability. Only Fidel Ramos
Now Enrique lives now on his Hacienda. Now he can
realize his dream of youth, - the cattle breeding. And he found already
the place of his future tomb.
Due to pressure of his family Enrique was relieved in
1983 from the Ayala executive board post. His successor is the tall
cousin Jaime sables de Ayala I . Born in 1920, he attends after
schooling a university in Madrid as well as the Harvard University. In
1958 he was given the job of an assistant in the Ayala group with a
monthly salary of 200 dollars. He works 26 years in different
departments of the company, intermitted by a "Sabbath time" of
five years as ambassador in Great Britain. Sable Jaime invests in
particular in the High-Tech and telecommunication sector, the
establishment of industries and car sales market (Mitsubishi). After the
old one was burned down, he is engaged in the planning of the new Ayala
art museum in Makati.
In 1985 he has to decide if he and his family should
support Ferdinand Marcos or his competitor Aquino. That was also a
crucial question with regard to the existence of the Ayala company.
Jaime Zobel comes to the conclusion: "
If the forces of reform were defeated, there would be no place for us
here." Aquino gets his support.
Jaime Zobel retires from Ayala in 1995 because of age
limit. Now he should have more time for his hobby, the photography. He
got for his professional photos some awards.
Forbes Magazine is publishing an annual list of
billionaires. Following this list he and his family have a property of
round about 1.2 billion dollars, so he is on the level of the
China-descended family Henry Sy (1.3 billion $) and Lucio Tan (1.2
billion $).
successor in the office of president becomes his son J. Augusto Zobel
de Ayala short name: JAZA. He is born 1959 in Manila and has
also a Harvard degree. He continues further investments in the food
industry and in particular in the sectors of telecommunication, IT and
E-Commerce. But now he has to decide if he should go on with the
diversification of the conglomerate of Ayala or if he should follow the
trend to concentrate on the classical fields of business. - He is also
vice-chairman at Globe Telecom and the Bank of the Philippine Islands
is sitting in the advisory committees of JP Morgan International, the
Mitsubishi Corporation and the Toshiba Corporation.
In a 1995 speech to Asean business people in Hong
Kong he said:
We all pay for
poverty and unemployment and illiteracy. If a large percentage
of the society falls into a disadvantaged class, investors will
find it hard to source skilled and alert workers; Manufacturers
will have a limited market for their products;
criminality will scare foreign investments .... It therefore
makes business sense for corporations to complement the efforts
of government in contributing to social development." |
His words are not a mere declaration. JAZA is
chairman of the Philippine ´s Children & Youth Foundation and Vice
chairman of the global Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). These positions
underline his social commitment.
In his leisure time he swims, is doing
gymnastics or is riding a bike. Once he said "Life is a marathon,
not a sprint". And thats clear, he tries to have time for
his family life.
Because the eighth generation of the Zobels
represented for example by Bianca, Paolo and Jake - is already in the
blocks to take over demanding businesses in the oldest, most diversified
and growth-oriented company of the Philippines.
© Wolfgang Bethge, 2002
(1) Hermogenes E. Bacareza, A Philippine German
History of Relations, Quezon City, in 1980, p. 54 ff.
(2) Compare my article "Yamashitas
treasure or the never ending dream for fortune" on this